why are ppl still goin on about tmoz the 23rd its starting to scare some ppl now again like me why are they doin this thought everything was ok its startin to frighten me again someone please put my mind at rest
Pick a date, any date. Got one? Good. The world won't end on that date either.
You can point to a million people claiming the 23rd of December 2012 is the end of world, we'll just point to a million people who are wrong.
The answer to your question is; They are simply just sick f#%&s that need to just shut up and go somewhere away from the rest of the living world — They are death worshipers.
IT IS LAST DAY (before christmas)
what is the last day
There is no 'last day'. If you are referring to hycer's post, he was probably joking.
He said.. ITS LAST DAY before Christmas. Stop worrying :)
The last day BEFORE christmas.. Please… Do not believe the "new" dates.
"Tomorrow Never Knows." - John Lennon
ok thankyou im just a proper born worrier and when ppl start saying 23rd and shit i still believe them its been a hell of a yer i still aint got over yesterday yet it proper scared me and then i hear these things bout 23rd not good for my nerves lol thanks everyone for bein supportive i will get over this soon
Well that's the biggest mistake. You decide to believe the people that is always wrong (Remember yesterday???) and ignore what we say.
Stop believing the doomtards, and trust in what we say. Tomorrow will be like any other day, and so will it be for the future. Don't let it go on your nerves.
"Tomorrow Never Knows." - John Lennon
Was there something insufficient with the answers you received here? Nothing's changed since yesterday, I assure you.
i know that now its just that iv been so scared this week its hard for me to get over it because iv had anxiety and depression for 10yrs now so when someone starts sayin new dates it just clicks in my brain that im thinkin the worst im sorry for bein a absolutely pain but i hate all them doomers for doin this to all these ppl im so sorry again i do believe you its just me bein paranoid AGAIN
Don't let this frighten you. It's a hoax. This one has no credibility. The 23rd is already in a good part of the world. Nothing happened.
The 21st is past. This whole issue is past.
LOL at this bible thumper. The summer of 2013 won't be the end. No more than May 21st, 2011 or whatever stupid date harold camping came up wtih.
This is exactly what we said they would do. Why do you not remember that?