Just wondering what Nancy Lieder has said about her false predictions, I'm really excited to hear. Anyone know?
As far as I know, she never mentions her false predictions - that is, the ones that have failed already (ie all of them.) Anything on her website from the past with predictions that have already failed either gets deleted or edited afterwards in some way. She just carries on making new predictions, based on what she claims to have been informed by the "Zetas" via "the alien implant in her brain."
She does however, still have some pages of lens flares showing "Planet X" taken in 2003 and 2004 with the following comment:
The Point of Passage specifics are given by the Zetas. Naked Eye viewing of the glaring second sun is possible. The Zetas provided a Tail/Moon swirl range. Planet X was tracked in the night sky up until 2003 when it moved within the orbit of the Earth, thus being close to the Sun and lost in the glare.
She's a raving loony …
Pobody's nerfect
About the website content, I think it would be worth screen-grabbing doomsday websites when we relaunch this site. It would add an extra layer of proof of the claims made, and make it harder to back-peddle.
Imagine a time when they said "we didn't say that" and everyone says "oh, but it's on (insert proposed descendent of 2012hoax)". If we get further support from NASA/SETI then it would be harder for them to silence us.
After getting her fingers burnt with predicting Planet X to arrive on a particular date, namely 15th May 2003, she has always failed to provide a date but just continues to say that Planet X is 'coming' and pointing to any earthquake, storm or lens fare in a photo of the Sun as 'proof' of Planet X.
I've not looked at Zetatalk since December 21st and I can't say I'm particularly bothered because I know what will be there, ie. a claim that the 21st was a false prediction by everybody but Nancy and more fake evidence that Planet X is still coming.
In her own mind, Nancy is never wrong.
The fake evidence is like claiming that car companies are in a conspiracy with the oil companies to protect the sales of petrol, whereas if that was the case then why are they working their socks off to produce cleaner cars, and why are car charging points appearing all over London?
@ Ms Maroussi,
That's really good to hear. I haven't seen any charging stations over here, but I haven't been looking for them either.
I heard an interview with her on the radio once…certifiable nut!!!
Quoting myself here:
Anything on her website from the past with predictions that have already failed either gets deleted or edited afterwards in some way.
Seems I may have been wrong, because she misses some. I'm not sure if she forgot about this, thinks she has it covered by "shortly thereafter," or edited that part in after her "pole shift" failed in 2003:
Troubled Times believes that a world-wide cataclysm, of massive proportions, will strike the Earth in 2003 or shortly thereafter. The cause of this natural event will be a monster planet, known to the ancients but as yet undiscovered by modern man, which will pass very near the earth as part of its normal 3,600 year orbit around the sun.
Pobody's nerfect
The ancient’s called this monster the 12th Planet, and as this magnetic giant passes by, it will force our North and South Poles to rotate 90 degrees. The shifting poles will drag the Earth's crust with them, ultimately producing a new global map in a matter of hours in a massive cataclysm affecting all life on earth. These events have occurred before, as ancient legends and Prophecies fortell, creating what man interprets to be ice ages, wandering poles and the flood, and have resulted in the extinction of the Mastodon and the sinking of Atlantis.
Apparently also part of that link predicted for 2003.
She at least has some nice science fiction ideas. What is amazing to me is how anybody with an ounce of brain matter can take her seriously. Then again, there are many who believe in scientology and their claims about aliens as well.
I already knew she had a few screws loose, but after seeing the transcript of the interview about Hale-Bopp (I think it was H-B anyway) where she sat steadfastly denying that it existed, and refusing to go out and look at it, I knew there was no doubt. All her dogs aren't barking. Oh, that's right, she killed them.
All her dogs aren't barking. Oh, that's right, she killed them.
Now that's a smack-down.