What's supposed to happen?
don't be nervous just go through topic of solar flares in the site or check NASA site
it is an activity which happens in every eleven yrs
this solar maximum will be one of the weakest
btw only thing it can do is distrupt the satellite signals
Probably nothing of any consequence. The Solar maximum is when the maximum number of sunspots occurs. There are usually more solar flares in times of high sunspot activity, but they actually occur at any time during this approximately 11 year cycle. We have been having lots of them for about a year and we haven't seen any effects except for some nice aurorae.
There could be activity that would knock out some electrical grids, but this doesn't happen often and there is no reason for them to remain down for months or years. I would be amazed if they did. We get the power knocked out by storms all the time and they get it fixed in matters of hours or days.
As stated in Wikipedia:
Solar maximum or solar max is a normal period of greatest solar activity in the 11 year solar cycle of the Sun. During solar maximum, large numbers of sunspots appear and the sun's irradiance output grows by about 0.1%. The increased energy output of solar maxima can impact global climate and recent studies have shown some correlation with regional weather patterns.
Predictions of a future maximum's timing and strength are very difficult; predictions vary widely. The last solar maximum was in 2000. In 2006 NASA initially expected a solar maximum in 2010 or 2011, and thought that it could be the strongest since 1958. However, more recent projections say the maximum should arrive in autumn of 2013 and be the smallest sunspot cycle since 1906.
"doing nothing is not an option"
However, more recent projections say the maximum should arrive in autumn of 2013 and be the smallest sunspot cycle since 1906.
Yes and here's the NASA article about that, which was last updated on 10th Dec, 2012.
Pobody's nerfect
I suppose the bottom line is no none will really know until autumn 2013 how big or small the Solar max will be, but it sounds like the right people are monitoring how things are going and i am sure that plans are being put in place incase of a worst case scenario.
"doing nothing is not an option"
Is it true the worst it could do is take our electricity offline for 3 month's/years?
Or does the maximum's effect's go away quickly?
In the above, there is a bit in there concerning this solar maximum -
Imagine how the folks in Bugarach, France must be feeling right about now…
Joe (Bigsky770)
What's the carrington event?
Carrington Event
The strongest solar storm on record is called the “Carrington Event” (after Richard Carrington who viewed and reported on the solar flare of September 1st). It occurred in late August and early September of 1859. From August 28th through September 4th, aurorae of unusual brilliance were observed throughout North and South America, Europe, Asia, and Australia, and were seen as far south as Hawaii, the Caribbean, and Central America in the Northern Hemisphere and in the Southern Hemisphere as far north as Santiago, Chile.
A Carrington Event today
Should such an event occur today, there would be massive disruption in electrical grids, possibly long term. What is needed is to beef up our early warning system, and to stockpile spares of critical components. However, the report paints a worst-case scenario where no warning is given, and the electrical grid operators do not have time to take precautions.
"doing nothing is not an option"
We can now see the Sun from all sides, and at all times, from many satellites. This would give us advance warning of any Carrington-like event, allowing us to shut down vulnerable electrical systems to prevent damage.
Maybe it's not that simple. Think about hurricane Sandy. Scientists warned for years that people were building in dangerous places along the coast. There'd been bad storms in the same general area in 1938, 1944, and 1954, and 2011. Katrina showed what happens in a big city after a hurricane hits. Satellites tracked Sandy and predicted it to hit NYC hard 5 days before landfall.
So with all that advance warning how'd the US do? Ask people in NYC who didn't have power for > a week afterward while gangs roamed the ruins. Satellite warnings couldn't make up for overoptimism and not keeping up our infrastructure.
This's the sort of case (speaking about solar flares) where debunkers don't seem to understand who's got the burden of proof. There's a credible danger (flares) to an infrastructure we already know is too vulnerable to some natural hazards to be repaired quickly. Even with days of warning beforehand. So, burden of proof's on people who say satellite warnings about solar flares will be sufficient.
Imagine how the folks in Bugarach, France must be feeling right about now…
The locals are probably glad that the doomies and "New Age" nutters are gone. That's if they have gone yet, not sure, but no doubt they'll be very disappointed that the world didn't end and that not one single flying saucer appeared to rescue them from the non-event either.
I wonder if the "New Age" contingent have noticed that humanity does not appear to have "transcended to a higher level of consciousness" yet?
Pobody's nerfect
I think they have. I've been posting 2012Hoax links on their forums and comment sections, and the links disappear within hours.
Cycle 23 back in the early 2000's gave us some pretty big flares…nobody on earth noticed or cared except the people who study them. This cycle is forecast to be quite weak. I can guarantee you won't notice or care this time around either.
A lie can travel half way around the world before the truth can get its boots on.
You can go an see this page to seeing how the Sun is going: http://spaceweather.com
But the Solar Maximum won't be as strong as expected, so everyone who is scared should calm down about it. I'm okay with that.
Every 11 years the sun reaches solar max, which is when the sun produces sunspots and lets off solar flares, perfectly normal behavior for the sun, and other stars of the same makeup. Sunspots give solar physicists a great opportunity to study the star, so the only great importance will be to those who study the sun. The worst solar weather has done in my lifetime is cause a precautionary re routing of aircraft from over the Earth's polar regions. This was only a precaution against the million to one chance the slightly higher solar radiation effected aircraft navigation systems, as no risk, even million to one risks, can be taken in aviation. That's about it really.