Hey you guys! I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. I spent 4 years of my life scaring my self to death about this weekend, specially about that Pane Andov theory. I used to use as "reliable" information sites like godlikeproduction and Youtube, I was literally lost, went through a bad depression and thought about killing me self almost everyday…
But then I found you guys… you made me feel confortable and wake up for life. I learnt that we cannot worry about tomorrow, nobody can predict the future and we must not trust everything we see /ready online.
In conclusion, you guys REALLY saved my life, and I would like to wish you the best for you guys, merry christmas and happy new year! Now I can go back to my normal life, emptying my wallet on Steam sales and wasting all my time watching TV shows and animes ^^
THANK YOU, Greetings from Brazil o/