A German researcher says the maya calendar actually ends on the 24th. I this true. It's Christmas Eve. I don't want to be worrying
Hi Cal,
It really doesn't matter whether someone decided that the day count for the end of this b'aktun corresponds to the 21st, 23rd, 24th, or the 37th of Jufember. The Maya did not predict the end of the world. If they had, why would you care? They weren't prophets and we don't believe in their mythology anyway. If you ever start believing that the Earth is flat, with 4 corners held up by 4 trees on the back of a giant crocodile, then it might be understandable that you are obsessed with the change to the 14th b'aktun, even though the modern day Maya are not. They've been partying to celebrate it.
21st suddenly became the 22nd. 22nd because the 23rd. For sure the sun would go out on this date. well, now the 23rd is the 24th. See a pattern here? There is really nothing more we can do. Everything seems to scare you. I think at this point, a dog farting 3 countries away would be a sign for you at this point.
BTW… the calendar's cycle did end on the 21st. There are TWO artifacts that state this fact. We're already in the new cycle… just as the Maya actually believed would happen.
Facts are stubborn things, and they definitely hindered the end of the world
All knowledge comes from experience- John Locke
LOL… a German researcher… how about a crackpot from Germany? Seems more accurate.
It seems like the doomsdayers keep pushing it off by a day. So tomorrow, will it be christmas now? And so on and so forth?
This is getting f***ing ridiculous. Nearly all the threads on the front late are made by you.
I know he is supposedly not a troll, but dammit, go see someone about your anxiety issues. Alot of us have and it had helped us greatly.
He is probably just trolling
"Tomorrow Never Knows." - John Lennon
the mods keep saying he's not, he's just a nervous kid… but sometimes I wonder. Especially when he asks the same question several times even though people have been very detailed with their answers.
Hello, Cal. I'm not aware about this german researcher, but there was in a fact an hypothesis that the mayan cycle might end tomorrow. This was published on Johan Normark's blog, a month ago. I can't tell you whether the hypothesis turned out to be accepted, but I can tell you most scholars prefer the december 21st date, which was the official correlation (GMT) and the most accepted one. Officially saying, today is (we have passed the end of the b'ak'tun).
Even if the cycle in fact ends tomorrow, you wouldn't have to worry either. Everything we said before the 21st would still be valid tomorrow. :-)
That said, stop looking for things to be scared about. You are driving you crazy with this bullsh*t.
The guy who said it might be the 24th doesn't even believe it's the end of the world:
According to German researcher Nikolai Grube, matching modern calendars with Mayan predictions is tricky. He told Spiegel Online that the 13th baktun may not actually be over until December 24.
Nevertheless, Grube emphasizes that whatever the exact date, the end of the baktun – a period of time lasting 144,000 days- represents the end of an era, and not the end of the world. He says the change is comparable to the turn of a millennium.
Grube says further that Mayan artifacts in fact include many references to dates that stem far beyond December 2012.
“You find dates in Mayan texts that are thousands or millions of years into the future,” he told Spiegel Online.
As you see, Cal, some mayan scholars seem to have calculated a different date for the end of the last baktun, but all of them agree this doesn't mean the end of the world. Instead, that shows us that translating ancient calendars to our gregorian calendar is very, very hard and dates may differ a lot among scholars. ;-)
It won't end, people will keep changing the date to the 24,25,26,27 etc. But nothing will happen, also Only the Lord ( God ) will know when the end is nigh, rapture's and such
Listen up. thekid101. The bible says no one may know the day or the hour except God the Father. Maybe not the exact quote, but you get the gist of it.
I already told him. But think we are dealing with one major
Cal 1392, listen carefully. We have been very patient with you.
You have been posting new topics again and again, but you never listen to what people say.
If you keep on doing this then you risk being blocked for a a week.
From now on, no more new topics, and you respond to what people say in the topics you already created.
If you are scared then tell your parents. We are not your parents.
That is what bothers me. Many people take the time to post answers debunking and explaining the prediction. Yet the person who comes on here freaked out never responds to the answers. All they do is continue to say the same thing over and over. Either they are trolling or they are in such a bad place mentally that they need professional help right now. Or it could be that they really don't want help as much as they want attention. Whatever it is, if you refuse to aknowledge the help being given, there is not anything we can do for you.