Hi everyone. I wanna thank all who helped me ,you cant imagine how did I feel before finding this site!
Also,I wanna ask, why are there still people talking about bad things which are going to happen, about new "doom dates"?? first 23rd, now 24th ? Magnetic poles shift, volcanoes, new calendar havent started yet etc?
Aren't we done with that? Or are there still some "theories" to be debunked?
I am so tired of december 21st thing. I have lived in fear for couple of years, and I stil can't believe it passed, so I guess I need time to get back to normal, I became paranoid, for example, still every sound I hear as a "strange one" , I don't know how to overcome that as fast as I can? I can't get away of this fear still, don't know why… and I don't know if I should come to this forum anymore? I just wanna leave this hoax behind me.
The best way is actually to stop going to these creepy sites.
And when you accidentally enter such a site then just press the back button and move on.
Everything has been debunked.
The only thing that happens is that they recycle the doom with new dates and slight variations.
You're right:)
I lived too much in fear - I can't afford it anymore, I feel like it even ruined my health ,especially last month…
It is pointless to fear something that can never exist ;-)
There are still people freaking out over new dates because they CHOOSE to go to these websites that make asinine claims. There are people out there just making crap up because they know there are people who will go there and believe it. They know that these people are naive and very gullible. Then they laugh as people start running around like chicken little. Sorry, but that is what is happening. It is time for some of these people to grow up and use some of the skills we gave them. If you enjoy being scared of stupid made up lies, then keep going to the websites, keep clicking on those links you KNOW are going to tell you the world will end. If you don't like it, then don't go there. It is obvious that what we offer here is not enough for some of you and you need to seek professional help right now.
You are absolutely right, I agree with you, thank you all for your help :)))) it's time for new way of thinking and overcoming fears:)
You are quite welcome IPu. I am glad we could help many of you. Suffering from anxiety sucks illnesses suck. There are people here, however, who obviously are not getting from us the help needed to lead a normal life where they do not live in constant fear. And if they refuse to stop frequenting websites and links that promote these bogus predictions there is not much we can do for them. I knew that the predictions would not end, and I tried to say it enough so that many of those with anxiety over 21 dec would be prepared for the updated dates. Obviously it did not sink in with many people.
Anyhow, you are welcome. I am glad you can see through this absurdity. It makes life so much more enjoyable. living in constant fear stinks.