Im bettin that there is a date set for new years? Am i correct?
Yeah, the 1st of January. ;-)
The great thing about science is, it's true whether you believe in it or not.
AGAIN!? Where do they come up with this junk!?!?!?
It was a joke. No, there's no "doom" predicted as far as I'm aware, why would anyone care even if there were?
The great thing about science is, it's true whether you believe in it or not.
I wouldn't follow any prediction, You can literally type anything on the net these day's and get some idiot screaming out words full of Bull…
What about that one guy that keeps making accounts preaching about the bible and its prophecies? He will never stop!
No, the guy on the forum. He has been making account even AFTER the 21st, preaching about the bible and explaining how its prophecies are "coming true". Although it may seem like the prophecies are coming true, they really aren't. The bible is not a scientific textbook.
Apparently god already zapped him in only 11 minutes.
Is there a way to stop trolls from making multiple accounts? I think we should have a thing where you can only have 3 accounts per I.P. address.
That guy's not for real though. He doesn't believe what he's saying, he's just trying to get a reaction.
A true believer in "bible prophecies" would be far more verbose and creative than spouting "the bible is more accurate than science" in a variety of different forms.
Hear the music before the song is over…
I know he is not a real believer because he didn't quote the Bible at any time. He kept saying the religion is much more accurate than science and blah, blah, blah. But no biblical messages.
I'll be interested if someone would use the Origin of species to make a doomsday claim. :D
What about that one guy that keeps making accounts preaching about the bible and its prophecies? He will never stop!
You probably mean thekid101 and thekid2000. Someone seems to be catching and deleting his posts, thank goodness. I haven't checked to see if his new identity is blocked.
Edit: Yep, he's blocked again. I wonder how long it will take him to come back and start again.
wasnt the guy who was saying the bible prophecies are coming true thekid101, a troll i kept messaging. i cant find him anymore. :L
I read somewhere that apparently they believe that the end of the Mayan Long Count marks the start of this 7 Years of Tribulation BS…..wish I had bookmarked that link though. Trouble is their so blind they don't realize Bible prophecy is self fulfilling….it's a hoot really.
I see bible thumpers still claiming the end is nigh.
I am sorry if after 21 Dec you still fall for this crap.
Fighting these crazy religious people is the job of religious people. These people are destroying your religion and every time the rapture fails, you have more religious people that lose their faith.
therea another troll here named cheeseyguy. i bet its thekid101
I am sure cheeseyguy is thekid101, thekid2000, thebibleisscience101, higuy567, bibleboy67… He decided to troll in the last days of this forum, what a fool.
Has anything been said about new years eve?
Why do you care if it has or not? Why actively search for rubbish?
It has not yet sink through to you that every single doomsday is fake? No exception and this includes the future predictions.
I haven't searched up anything on it… Im just betting someone will claim the date
Im just betting someone will claim the date.
A Christian religious crackpot named Ronald Weinland has picked May 19th. Which is his 4th date change since 2008.
In June 2012, Weinland was convicted of five counts of tax evasion. He faces up to five years' imprisonment
The simple minded and the uninformed can be easily led astray and those that cannot connect the dots, hey look the other way. People believe what they want to believe when it makes no sense at all ~ John Mellencamp
So is he behind bars now? Or still out awaiting sentencing?
I've heard of that man… he's a total con artist.