Gangnam style was bad.
The constant claim that Nibiru was hiding behind the sun was bad. In all seriousness, just how long were we supposed to believe that a planet had parked itself behind the sun and was waiting until Dec 21, at which point I assume it would jump from a velocity of 0 kph to one that would place it either on or near Earth almost immediately.
The claim about Chemtrails. There were multiple claims on what the so-called "chemtrails" were for. One of the most idiotic was that they were blocking out Nibiru so that we could not see it. How on earth anybody could believe that all the governments of the world were somehow creating enough chemtrails worldwide, at all times, to block out a single planet is something I was having a difficult time understanding.
Anything that required all governments to work in unison to keep a secret from the whole world.
Now that I think about it, all the predictions were on the high end of absurd.