on youtube, there was a video titled "nibiru 2032 ALERT the truth of NASAs plan to hide nibiru!! and the description said "nasa has confirmed that planet x/Nibiru will collide with earth December 21st, 2032! prepare now and dont believe what they say that nibiru doesnt exist when it clearly does!!" will this crap ever stop?? —
They have been at it for thousands of years, so no, they'll never stop. They have the internet and YouTube now. It's so much easier and more effective than carving it on a rock and hoping people will see it.
Unfortunately, as with any new technology, there are always those who will use it for nefarious purposes.
May a thousand fleas from a sweaty camels ass infest the armpits of every doomsdayer!
You would think after the nonevent called Y2K, and how so many people missed out on celebrating the millennium, something that even our great great great great grandchildren's great great great great grandchildren will not even live long enough to witness another, that we would just beat the holy living s#%& out of the next doomtard to come along and open their big fat stupid mouth!
But no! Now they are louder and more persistent than ever thanks to the internet.
Yep. These types will never go away. They are attention whores. Look at me. I have all this super secret information that nobody else has. Listen to me and make "me" feel important. As much as I want to feel sorry for such pathetic individuals as they have to be, to actually keep doing what they do, I cannot. Why? Because everytime they do this they prey upon people who do have real problems. Not only that, but then they end up attracting others who seem to want to believe bad things will happen because that is what they want to happen. Then these people begin to militantly go after anybody who uses science and critical thought to question their claims.
All of you suffering from anxiety, take this as an object lesson. They are going to continue to set new dates. Imprint upon your mind right here and right now that NONE of the new predictions have any value at all. NONE, NADA, ZILCH, ZERO! So when you see them, and you will, laugh at them and be glad you know the truth. Personally, if I were in your shoes, I would be mad as hell at these asses. After suffering for years over 2012 21 december I would be furious to see them doing it again. Heck, there should be an army of former believers going after these dimwits.
Amen, brother!! Very well said.
I had such jagoffs prey upon me about 15 years ago when I was at a very low point in my life. Sure I survived it, I would even go as far as to say that I prevailed over their attacks to my psyche, but it was in NO way an easy road for me, and I know their BS attacks only made my recovery from the anxieties I had caused by real world problems. And for that very reason, I have never ever been able to forgive them even to this day.
I know I have even told this story here before.
Don't get me wrong; Life is pretty good for me now — I have very few complaints, but it took me YEARS for me to be able reach this point in my life. But even after seeing how far that I myself have come in so many ways, that does not mean that there are not days when I hear doomtards or think of them, and like a Vietnam vet with PTSD, I find myself having vivid flashbacks from my own experience of being kicked by doomtards when I was down, and I get so angry that I just want to go batshit crazy on someone like Geryl.
That is a big part of why I am here; because I see people going through similar anxieties that I went through 15 years ago, and that helps me re-direct that negative energy that I harbor of wanting to hurt the doomtards, in to something positive like using my own story and experience to help those with real issues looking for answers and comfort, to look at what the REAL underlying cause of their anxieties may actually be.
These stories are part of what cause me to become angry. I watch these liars make up all sorts of crap to steal, and yes, I said steal, money from people. It is a scam that is no different than a snake oil salesman from the 1800's wild west.
I personally cannot recall the name of the person who was making these claims, but I saw a video of a guy who claimed to have maps that the navy was putting out concerning how the coasts were going to flood and where the new coastlines would be located. He claimed to be a former submariner in the United States Navy. It just so happens that I am a former submariner from the United States Navy who had access to whatever maps we had on the submarine. Not once did we ever have a map of this type. Never. All his claims were completely asinine. Guess what, this guy was selling a book and other items. Go figure. I am amazed at what these bozos will say. Then when I tried to reason with those people who ate his crap up I was attacked. I was called the typical name of being a "sheeple." That one seems to be their favorite. And eventually it ended with death threats. The levels these people stoop to are amazing.
Good luck to you smartypanz. You make great points about how we have actual real world problems that cause us enough anxiety. We certainly do not need crackpots and bozos giving us more bs to deal with. That is why sites like this are wonderful. There are people who really have anxiety issues and need this help. Now they need to just take the advice that is given.
Sheeple seems to be the favorite word of stupid gullible people who want to try to make us sound like the ones who believe everything we hear. "Drinking the Kool Aid" runs a close second.
Johnny & Alene,
As I have mentioned, I have lived in San Francisco for a very long time, just long enough to have dealt with the ilk of Jim Jones and "The People's Temple" when those idiots were walking around all over town and practically running the entire city, and even the state of California for that matter, completely by proxy . So I know the cult mindset very well, and what true "sheeple" are, and you are both correct about how they are usually the ones to claim that everyone else outside of their little circle are the "sheeple." After all, they are the one's whose little journey for "truth" and "enlightenment" literally leads them to the "kool-aid"
FYI: Not that it is really all that big of a deal, but it was not kool-aid they drank at Jonestown, it was actually "Flavor-Aid."
Johnny, Thank you for your wishes. Every day gets better and better, and tings get allot easier for me, and being able to help people like Donovan and Anxiety Cat like I have, is an important part of that for me.
Also, I have been in similar situations as you describe with the death threats, and you seem like a no nonsense kind of guy that can take care of his own. I have had con men like Geryl and his ilk try to threaten me before, but to their chagrin, I have actually had to deal with real threats in the real world — I have had Teamster bosses try to come after me, so dommies have another thing coming if they think for one second that I am scared of some nameless troll on the internet.
Sheeple seems to be the favorite word of stupid gullible people who want to try to make us sound like the ones who believe everything we hear. "Drinking the Kool Aid" runs a close second.
Yeah, pretty awesome that one. "Y'all are gullible idiots for listening to those scientists with their evidence and their testable stand up theories, you're much better off listening to some Dorito stuffed zit faced nerd sitting in his mothers basement spouting off fantasies while watching re-runs of his favourite dr who out takes." Pseudoscience rules, whooo!!
The great thing about science is, it's true whether you believe in it or not.
Hey now, I love the Dr.
Sheeple seems to be the favorite word of stupid gullible people.
That is so true.
Now I am using it against them by being first to use that word. LOL
Sheeple seems to be the favorite word of stupid gullible people
That is true.
Sometimes I wonder where did that word come from. The similarity with 'sheep' may give us a hint, though. I wonder if when they call us sheeple, they actuallly mean we are a flock of sheep (quite nonsensical in the context they use it). ;-)
But they are the brainwashed sheep. They just don't realize it yet. LOL
They are too brainwashed to realize they are the brainwashed sheep.
And, with this genial phrase, I'm now heading to my bed.
They put people and sheep together to make it sound like people who behave like sheep, eg: sheep-people, or sheeple.
Hey Johnny,
We have a girl on our Facebook page who is now swallowing the garbage of an old guy, Don Alejandro something, who claims to be a Mayan elder, and is according to Mollie, claiming an apocalypse for March 31. I really like your post here and would like to copy it to her. Would you have any problem with that? Or would you rather keep it as your own and answer her? It's Mollie Ratcliff on the 2012hoax FB page.
I have no problem with you copying my post. In fact, do so at any time you wish.
Thanks Johnny. It sounds like just what Mollie needs to hear.
I just saw Mollie's post on the facebook page…I hope she doesn't get into March 31st…by the way what's up with Ray Thomas? His "logical conclusion" doesn't make sense and is confusing.
The simple minded and the uninformed can be easily led astray and those that cannot connect the dots, hey look the other way. People believe what they want to believe when it makes no sense at all ~ John Mellencamp
I don't remember seeing Ray Thomas. I'll have to take another look.
Edit: Oh, him. I just read his nonsense, decided he was nuts besides being 4 days late, so I let it go. He didn't seem to be looking for an answer anyway.
You are more than welcome. But after reading many of your posts it is apparent you have the articulation skills to help these people on your own. However, if anything I say can be of help, feel free to use it.
Thanks. I just liked your post and it covered her concerns so well that I couldn't see rewriting it.
Nibiru originally referred to jupiter. These con artists are still trying to scam people. This rogue planet does not exist and some clown on youtube just doesn't have a clue what they are talking about. As far as this goes, yes there is absolutely no evidence. And I too agree that those who suffer from anxiety should not be preoccupied by this date revision.
A YT user / troll who's been mentioned here in the past, endtimes23, uploaded a video on 23rd Dec called "NSA WHISTLEBLOWER BLOWS THE LID ON NIBIRU AND THE MARS BASE." (Block capitals are his - I just copy/pasted it.)
The only comments appearing are from other trolls / doomsday nutters who agree with the uploader. Endtimes23 does have a history of deleting critical comments and blocking anyone who tries to debunk him.
Pobody's nerfect
This is proof positive that these people are literally obsessed with this whole doomsday thing. They just cannot let it go, they have no shame whatsoever.
The great thing about science is, it's true whether you believe in it or not.
Some of those doomsdayers I think are perhaps suicidal and want the world to end. Some other ones are doing it purely for profit and know they are spewing BS. Either way, they'll never let it go… hopefully less people will pay attention to them next time.
I agree. There are some who really want the world to end. They likely have some reason that makes them want either a new beginning or makes them want everything to end. then you have those yahoos who have no qualms about preying upon people so they can earn an extra buck.
I think the majority of those that wants the end to end are religious.
These people probably pray every day that world ends as soon as possible because this way they get in heaven as fast as they can. For me these people do not act in a loving way, and will probably end up in hell.
Most TRULY religious people are NOT like that. I'm very religious and while I want to go to heaven (a long time from now hopefully) God gave me this life for a reason. Most truly religious people see it that way too. There is a reason we live this life first, so we don't take this life for granted. That's how most religious people feel. There are odd sects of people who do and say crazy things, and the craziness of a minority shouldn't be pushed upon the majority.
Amen, Andrea!!
Most of the, eh hem, "religious" people that I have met in my life time that wont shut up about the "end time prophecies" are mainly "born-agains," and largely miserable with their own lives and very lonely, and are trying to project their own self-pity on to the rest of the world, partly as a pathetic cry for love, but mostly to make themselves seem momentarily important.
But all they are doing is making their religion, and therefore their God, look like a jackass.
For me these people do not act in a loving way, and will probably end up in hell.
There's no such thing as hell, but in the words of the late great Christopher Hitchens, it's a pity that there's not a hell for them to go to.
The great thing about science is, it's true whether you believe in it or not.
I know some people here got really upset with me here the last time I said this, but I think it bares repeating simply because of my own experiences with these types has taught me so; These people are truly suicidal, but don't actually have the balls to commit the deed.
They are insecure, self-loathing narcissists.
In that respect, they are not much better than mass murders like Charles Manson, or brutal dictators like Adolf Hitler. They may not have gone out and committed the deeds of the above mentioned individuals, and maybe never will, but their hearts are largely in the same place in the respect that they are laden with hatred and self-pity. And therefore I do firmly believe that if ever given the opportunity, i.e., the power to do so, that these people (the doomtards) would inflict similar atrocities upon humanity as the likes of Manson and Hitler did.
I am very surprised that there are still many Nibiru, 21 Dec and Elenin failures on Youtube.
How stupid must you be to keep your clips available for everyone to see that you failed?
Some people don't believe they've failed. Just like Camping. First he said the end was 1994. When it didn't happen he said he's right… he just miscalculated the date. Come May 2011 the NEW date of the alleged Rapture… he claimed he wasn't wrong when nothing happened… a spiritual rapture happened, not a literal one. They always have an excuse for how they were right even though they were wrong.
I am very surprised that there are still many Nibiru, 21 Dec and Elenin failures on Youtube.
How stupid must you be to keep your clips available for everyone to see that you failed?
You're right there are a great many that have not been removed. But it's helpful that they are still there, because once they have gone past their "sell-by" date and have failed, the videos debunk themselves.
In fact there's one (uploaded by Endtimes23 who I mentioned earlier and who uploaded that new Nibiru video on Dec 23rd,) that I added to my YT favourites a while back, because it's good to link as an example of failure. It claims that Comet Elenin will "cause 3 days of darkness in September 2011" …
Pobody's nerfect
Lol! Looks like these people are pulling a Harold Camping!
There will never be any shortage of material. I am waiting for videos about how Comet PANSTARRS is the precursor to the three days of darkness in March (as referenced in an earlier post) and Comet ISON is hiding the approach of Nibiru next fall. Then Ed Dames states that his long-predicted solar killshot will finally occur in 2013. And since the magnetic poles continue to move, it is only a matter of time before the next galactic alignment will turn everything upside down. There is surely a person with inside information who will tell us more.
This is not troll behaviour. It is sarcasm.
I agree, sounds like sarcasm to me.
I admit, I read it as sarcasm.
"Does it trouble your mind / the way you trouble mine?"
I thought it might be sarcasm at first, but his last few lines sound as if he is quite serious. Anyway, I didn't block him. I thought I'd see which way he's going with this.
Anyway, it could scare people who still haven't learned that all claimed doomsdays are fake.
Okay, if we have that many who think it is clearly sarcasm, maybe it is.
That's the issue with the net, we don't have inflection to denote when we're being sarcastic etc. :-/
"Does it trouble your mind / the way you trouble mine?"
True. I usually indicate in some way that it's sarcasm so the frightened people don't think we're saying these things are going to happen.
Same…I like using <sarcasm></sarcasm> tags unless it's plainly obvious that I'm being bitchy.
"Does it trouble your mind / the way you trouble mine?"
It could scare.
But it also could be the start of getting a resistance against the doom stories because a lot of people can counter their claims easily. People starting to troll here can actually be very beneficial to educate people in learning how to detect them.
oh sorry. i thought it was a troll. :(
No problem, it is hard to detect real trolls if you don't know what to search for.
You will learn. :-)