Ok, it's time to put some thought into how we would like to proceed.
1st of all, I would like anyone interested in being an admin on the new site to drop me a note at gro.xaoh2102|nimda#gro.xaoh2102|nimda (or gro.aibohpomsoc|nimda#gro.aibohpomsoc|nimda) with your wikidot id and email address. Anyone currently an admin or mod of this site is invited automatically, but I don't have all of your email addresses. Anyone interested in joining the site as a member and steering the future direction of the site is also invited. What I would like to do is start a semi-private conversation with you on a google group to discuss the future of the website (or websites).
In my mind there are several questions that need to be answered:
1) One new site, or multiple sites? I'm considering some advice I was given by a few people active in the science education community (specifically Ian O'Neill and Tony Darnell) regarding the future of the 2012hoax.org site and how we handle future doomsday hoaxes.
2) Direction of the new site. Specifically how 'in your face' are we going to get with various doom-mongers heading down the road. This is related to #1 above, in that we can have a 'kinder & gentler' education site under the 'Cosmophobia' banner and a more aggressive site under a different domain name.
3) Platform: I like the current platform for the main site (but I'm not married to it). I am not it so much as a forum platform. I would like to discuss everybody's feelings about this, and gather suggestions as to what we should do in this area.
4) Migration: Related to #3 above, if we stay on the current platform, the migration will be a lot easier. I would prefer to work out a way to leave the existing site untouched, and copy the relevant articles to another site or sites.
5) Roles: we have not had an organized system so far. This has served us well enough in the past, but we should talk about whether that will serve us well enough moving forward, and what kinds of roles people are interested in pursuing).
I would like to have the skeleton of the new site in place by the first of the year, so I'm looking forward to hearing from you soon.
"Do you ever think about things you do think about?" - Henry Drummond to Matthew Harrison Brady in Inherit the Wind