The game. He is a rapper says that we are all going to die in 2012. He said that he will vbe spending time with his kids from January 1 to December 31st. The interviewer asked him about the illuminatti but he said he doesn't want to talk about them people. Type up the game world ending 2012 on youtube
Ah, the game. The biggest asshole hip-hop has produced in a long time. He's an attention seeker dude, he promotes his albums by picking fights with people. I honestly wouldn't take a word that man says seriously. He's also just released a new album, gotta wonder why he would do that if he thought we were all going to die.
Actually, I've also got to wonder why you're still obsessing over this and still trying to drag people with you. Why are you doing this Cal? And don't just ignore me, I want to know what you're up to.
The great thing about science is, it's true whether you believe in it or not.
He said that he will vbe spending time with his kids from January 1 to December 31st.
And the problem you see with that is…
Type up the game world ending 2012 on youtube
You are telling us this because you probably did the same thing, didn't you? Why did you search for this crap? I'm serious, Cal. You need help. You are one of the only people in the world that still has some concern related to 2012. 2013 is coming in three days, are you going to spend you New Year's Eve paranoid?
Don't do that with yourself.
Type up the game world ending 2012 on youtube
No thanks, I actually have much better things to do than give some asswipe like this talentless hack, Game, or whatever his name is so much as a single web hit.
Surprise surprise, you didn't respond. If you're going to start these ridiculous threads at least have the decency to respond when questioned.
The great thing about science is, it's true whether you believe in it or not.
If you're going to start these ridiculous threads at least have the decency to respond when questioned.
Though I have the sneaking suspicion we've left it rather late, for this site at least.
@GaryA - I do wonder about Cal… I do feel there is something suspect with his posts, I am sorry if I am wrong..But he is a poster who I always have to avoid certain people seeing..and the lack of responses when things are de-bunked I dont know…it's off
Hey cal, it is really getting annoying when you keep saying stuff about 2012, even AFTER December 21st! This hoax has been history for at least a week now, so there is no need to worry about it. What's next? Are you going to start worrying about how a small lizard in Japan will start growing at an alarming rate due to a radiation explosion? No offense, but I think you need to change your ways when this site is changed into a more generalized debunking forum.
I know a lot of people who have said the world is going to end. They are wrong just as this game person is wrong. Why do you believe him. Why, as already pointed out, do you seek this stuff out. It is hard to have compassion for somebody who seeks out this type of stuff then posts and runs away. If you want help, then respond to the posts. If you are a troll, then keep posting and running and we will know which it is.
Edit: Never mind, I see this was a year ago.
This was part of a 12/21/12 campaign by a website I will not name because I don't want people going there and getting all worked up. This site believed in 12/21/12 and constantly talks about the Maya calendar running out, so this isn't some new beyond the 21st doomsday scenario. This is still 12/21/12 which we know is over.
Again, the Maya never predicted the end of the world… the word of God was meant for everyone so there are no hidden codes that only a few can decipher… there is no Nibiru… we're okay. Things are okay. Take a deep breath.
i thought Cal moved pass this? Citing an idiot rapper won't change anything. The guy probably has been in too many fights and taken too many blows to the head. Asides from that he's released a new album. I wonder how many copies he's gonna sell… probably a few thousand at best lol.
Cal, what is it you appreciate? If you really want help then respond to some of the answers. Otherwise you are going to make people think you are trolling. If you won't respond, could you please tell us why?
I thought this was going to be a thread about the Internet meme. Looks like I just lost The Game.
(walks away sheepishly)