Im constantly thinking off everything going into pitch black once the countdown finishes. One of the evidence i can think of for this is that 12 is the final number on the clock therefore that's when it stops.
Don't people count down from 10 to 0 these days?
I think it's the 0 people shout Happy new year's.
One of the evidence i can think of for this is that 12 is the final number on the clock therefore that's when it stops.
That's not evidence, it's ridiculous. Let it go.
The great thing about science is, it's true whether you believe in it or not.
One of the evidence i can think of for this is that 12 is the final number on the clock therefore that's when it stops.
You need to rethink your definition of "evidence". 12-hour clocks point to 12 o'clock twice a day, every day… why should this time be different?
Hear the music before the song is over…
The only thing that has me in a struggle is some kind of existence failure when 2013 comes along.
The only thing that has me in a struggle is some kind of existence failure when 2013 comes along.
I don't even know what that means. So the universe has existed for almost 14 billion years and you think it might sporadically cease to exist because of a man made calendar? Think about it.
The great thing about science is, it's true whether you believe in it or not.
Funny. I remember like it was yesterday when you came up with a similar question, and Artelis and me told you 'total existence failure' is impossible. Never gonna happen. Remember?
Wouldn't 59 be the highest number on a clock? Just because traditional clocks don't always show the number of seconds, doesn't mean that they shouldn't be considered a number.
The clock doesn't stop when it reaches 12:00 or 2400. It just starts over again. There is no countdown, except for the one before the ball drops in Times Square EVERY YEAR (and any one that people in other countries might do to celebrate coming of the new year). You see this happen every year. The Earth isn't governed by manmade things like calendars and clocks. People use them to keep track of time.
Nearly everyone in the world learned this on December 21, except for those who already knew such things are preposterous. How is it that you are going back to thinking these things have any effect on the world?
In my part of the world we use the 24-hour clock, so the year will change when 23:59 changes into 00:00 (12:00 is midday/noon to us).
And hereabouts it will be quite dark. Not pitch black, because of all the street lights and annoying fireworks.
In other words: the physical universe does not follow human-made calendars or clocks. Never has, never will.
One's convictions should be proportional to one's evidence. - Sam Harris
like i said, "i will never believe another damn conspiracy theory ever again." :L and i think that nothing will happen on new years, except a lot of partying. :D
Thanks' Why is the number 13 considered a bad number?
Where the heck did that come from?
Anyway, it's called triskaidekaphobia.
Hear the music before the song is over…
I should have a award for man of 1000 questions.
New year's can't arrive at every country at the same time can't it?
If so, Whats the first country to enter the new year and what date will they…
Since the whole world is pretty much interconnected businesswise, I think we all use the Gregorian calendar to keep track of the date. There are other calendars where they celebrate a New Year, though. There is the Chinese New Year. That is a 13 month lunar calendar, so that celebration is about a month after our New Year celebration.
There is also Tet, the Vietnamese New Year. It is also a lunar calendar, but it marks the beginning of spring.
So there are other calendars with accompanying celebrations, but no New Year like ours that is celebrated at different times as far as I know. Except for the time zones and the International Date Line. It just happens an hour later for each time zone, starting at the International Date Line.
As it was mentioned before, Earth does not give a damn about numbers or calendars. In fact, earth was at least a million years old before calendars even existed. Not sure if that's correct but humans definitely were not around at that time.