i was at Walmart today looking for some food and snacks for my parents. (yeah i do grocery shopping sometimes cause my mom is busy helping out at her work) and there was a magazine saying on the front page: NASA Confirms collision with mars in 2016!!!!! i looked inside it and it was saying that mars orbit is deteriorating and it will lose orbit and crash into earth. and also if we act fast, we could go to another planet, also it said in there that the solar maximum will sent out a "knowing type flare". what is this crap!? and worst of all, it was put in a children's book section, where any kid could see it >:( what asshole would do that? its like putting a porn magazine in a kids magazine section! i cant believe they would do this! we definitely need to keep the site up for a while. :I because there will be a new wave of people scared out of there wits. plus i saw this family that was probably christian, and this atheist that happened to standing in the dvds started harassing the kids when they were looking at this bible coloring book. saying some very evil things that i dont want to repeat. all i can say was that these kids had there feelings hurt really bad. :( but anyways, i am immune t doomsday claims now, but this crap has to stop. mars is NOT crashing into earth anytime soon.
Um what magazine was that? LOL. Was it a tabloids like Weekly World News? THe same one that reports on Batboy. Yea, whoever put it in the kids section is an asshole.
no, it didnt have the weeklyworldnews title. they dont sell there tabloids in stores anymore. i tend to stay away from weeklyworldnews because i heard they have been putting some very bullcrap articles.
Actually, yes they do still sell tabloids.
"The Universe is cool enough without making up crap about it". —Dr. Phil Plait
"If psychics are capable of seeing into the future—why the f**k can't they give us the score to next year's Super Bowl" —Denis Leary
Donovan, you are taking things too personal.
It seems that you are a very sensitive person.
sorry i can get sensitive sometimes. :I this just made me mad for a while.
Sounds like someone took the lyrics from a song in High Society too seriously, "Have you heard / it's in the stars / next July we collide with Mars."
It should be noted this movie is a Frank Sinatra musical that came out in 1956, and predicted nothing but ticket sales at theatres.
This stuff has been around for years as a joke or as scifi junk fiction.
"Does it trouble your mind / the way you trouble mine?"
What is the name of the magazine? Are you sure it was not a comic book? Maybe it was a work of science fiction?
I don't remember I'm sorry
I would like to know what their source was for the information. Maybe Patrick is out making bold claims again. If it were a real scientist we would be able to find some info by using bing or google. If it is just a tabloid then it could be said by anybody. They may have been using Nancy as a source.
idk it wasnt a tabloid, it was some science magazine claiming doomsday will come soon. i seriously dont remember the title. :(
it was some science magazine
No it wasn't.
Have a look through a copy of Scientific American if you wan't to see what a science magazine really looks like.
NASA Confirms collision with mars in 2016!!!!!
After reading that sentence, the first thing you should have though was "this confirmation must be on NASA official website". There are multiple ways to say NASA never said that, but the one I thought is the best one is to show you how the Solar System will be on January 1st, 2017 at 00:00 UTC.
Do you see anything out of ordinary?
I know you said it wasn't a tabloid, but it sure sounds like their tactics. They print any ridiculous thing they can dream up. They make so much money that the amounts they have to pay to people who sue them for libel is just a drop in the bucket. NASA hasn't confirmed any collision with Mars because that isn't something that could happen. Our orbits never even com close to intersecting. The closest possible distance between Earth and Mars is 33.9 million miles.
I actually googled it for kicks and giggles but was surprised to see some links attributed to the question of whether or not mars will collide with earth. Overwhelmingly, most improbable, but in a few billion years it could present itself as plausible. There was a study done by Nature with 2500 different possibilities based on the fact that there are minor fluctuations in the orbits of the inner planets. That these fluctuations over millions and billions of years could cause a collision in about 3 to 5 billion years, but humans will be long gone. I got this information from discover magazine link here: http://blogs.discovermagazine.com/80beats/2009/06/10/what-are-the-chances-that-earth-will-collide-with-mars-mercury-or-venus/#.UN5ebW-umhg. But it clearly states that the odds of this happening billions of years from now a less than 1%. I don't know the validity of this article, and when I clicked on nature to find out the entire story it asked for a membership fee. I thought this was interesting, and I was just wandering if anyone else had some thoughts on this.
It is a possibility in a few billion years. That will be after the Sun has expanded and brightened so much on its way to entering its first red giant stage that life on Earth will be long gone. I would expect, though, that it wouldn't become at all likely until near the time the Sun actually becomes a full fledged red giant, about 140 times larger than today. It will expand past Earth's current orbit in about 6.1 billion years, so all bets are pretty much off by that time so far as Earth and Mars colliding.
When the sun expands into a red giant, or as its expanding will the change in size perturb the planets or push their orbits outward.
I know that if it happens when I am alive I will pretty dang perturbed.
When the sun expands into a red giant, or as its expanding will the change in size perturb the planets or push their orbits outward.
It might push the orbits out enough to be possible that the Earth could still survive.
Pobody's nerfect
Overwhelmingly, most improbable, but in a few billion years it could present itself as plausible.
I first came across this a couple of years ago. Basically, the long-term changes in the orbits of the planets are relatively small and cyclical and these can be predicted for millions of years into the future. However, the farther into the future you go, the more some tiny or unforeseen effect might make itself felt (the equivalent of the butterfly flapping its wings having an effect on the weather). So the simulation was run many times, each time introducing some slight variation by way of a guess, and in a few cases out the 2,500 simulations the system becomes unstable.