look, after dec 21st 2012. ive been much better. idont believe in doomsday theories anymore. but i am scared of some of the most creepiest things i ever heard from people… legendary creatures like the chupacabra, the lone pine mountain devil, slenderman, and others like smile dog, (that one is just scary) dont look it up. i still get scared when i read these stories about these legendary creatures. i get afriad i might get killed by one of these creatures. when i read about the lone pine mountain devil, i didnt want to go outside at night. and when i heard about bloody mary, i didnt look at the mirror whenever i went into the bathroom. are these things i mentioned real? cause i dont want to lose sleep over things like this than doomsday claims.
Donovan, you have a knack of finding every story that is a hoax. ;-)
Donovan read these topics.
what about the well to hell? that story scares me. :((
"Does it trouble your mind / the way you trouble mine?"
"Well to Hell" Someone sent me that video once, and I posted about it here somewhere before already (assuming we are talking about the same one.)
It was a giant hole in in Siberia?
Anyway; the "Sounds of torment" that were supposedly coming from the ground, I recognized them almost immediately; I think it was from a war movie, but that exact same sound sample was used at the beginning of a song called "Aggression" by an industrial band form Vancouver, BC called Front Line Assembly which was released back in 1988 on the EP, "Disorder."
I know, I have had that record for well over 20 years now — I can even see it on my shelf as I type this.
The reason I bring it up, is because this "well to hell" is apparently a recent discovery — which begs the question; how then dose the beginning of a song that was recorded and released nearly 25 years ago have the same sound as something that was only recently discovered?
The link I … uh, linked has the movie mentioned. Baron Blood, IIRC.
"Does it trouble your mind / the way you trouble mine?"
That sounds about right. I missed the part where it mentioned the film title.
Funny thing is, in the album sleeve itself, I could never find mention of the source of many of their samples, I just know they like to use samplings from allot of movies. Some I recognize right away, but others become like a scavenger hunt. LOL!
But 1972! LOL! That makes it even funnier than 1988.
There is a good reason I never heard of that before, I don't really go for horror flicks. I was never able to understand why anyone would actually pay good money to see that garbage.
I think your watching the tv series "Supernatural" a little too much. Like everyone said these things don't exist. So please stop trying to find reasons to scare the shit out of yourself. I'm guessing you can't watch scary movies neither, so do the same with the internet, and stop searching out things to scare yourself with.
Donovan, they're only creepypasta's DESIGNED to scare other people.
Donovan, I know that you are not old enough to remember, but when I was a young lad, there were myths about man-eating alligators living in the sewers, especially in New York City.
What happened was, back in the 1970s, these hippies were adopting baby alligators as pets. When the alligators began to get too big, and therefore beginning to pose a physical threat to their owners and were no longer cute, they would be flushed down the toilet.
According to legend, they continued to live in the sewers, went albino from living in the dark, and started killing sewer workers developing a taste for human flesh simply because the rats did not provide enough sustenance.
That last paragraph is where the story becomes complete BS. First off, the baby gators would not survive the suction of the pipes and would more than likely be crushed to death by the vacuum before reaching the sewers. And even if they somehow were to survive, which would be barely, there is not enough light or food for even an adult alligator to survive down there let alone a baby.
The point of all of this?
Every urban legend, every myth, is based on at least some small degree of fact that is twisted and used to make the BS seem more believable.
Here is another interesting one for you seeing as how you got a telescope, and I know aliens and UFOs have been discussed here:
I am sure that you have probably heard about the whole Roswell thing back in 1947 when the US Military supposedly recovered up an alien spaceship with 4 alien bodies inside that was brought down by an electrical storm in that region of New Mexico?
Do you know that the US military has a 50 year rule with top secret projects? And do you also know that that 50 years passed and that the documents pertaining to the Roswell crash were just made public back in 2008?
I read the documents and guess what they said? It is true that the military lied when they claimed it was a "weather balloon." But, it was not an extra-terrestrial spaceship either. In a sense, it was a "UFO" but, only in regards to the general public.
It turns out that it was really a spy balloon, an early prototype for what we now call "drones."
Back in 1947, we were in the early stages of "The Cold War" with Russia. The spy balloon, if successful, was going to be deployed to Russia to seek out the exact locations of their missile launch sites.
Now, do you see why the military would "lie" to the public saying it was a weather balloon, and why they would even allow the UFO hysteria to continue all this time, even to this day? Do you see how not covering it up, would have tipped our hand, and very possibly changed history in a very bad way for us?
My point, Donovan, is that 99% of what you hear about the "supernatural" is hysteria based on very little fact. And let's be honest; The hysteria is usually far more entertaining, and even makes for better books and movies than the actual hard facts of the truth do.
ok. the well to hell just scared me for a while. :( but whats really at the earths core? because some religious folk say hell is at earths core. that i take with a grain of salt.
I really doubt that the hell is that bad as people claim that it is.
It is a loving god, remember? He has power enough to save you from hell because he is infinitely loving.
Donovan, the Earth is not hollow. There is no place for anything there. The inner core is a ball of solid metal, mostly iron and nickel. It is about 800 miles in diameter. The next layer is the outer core. It is molten metal, again mostly iron and nickel. It is about 1400 miles thick. The next layer is the mantle. It is made up of mostly molten rock about 1800 miles thick. The next layer is the outer layer. It is the crust, the part that we live on, made up of rock,and earth, running from 5-25 miles thick for continental crust and about 3-5 miles thick for oceanic crust. I don't want to mess with your religion, but, if there is a Hell, it isn't located within the Earth.
Donovan, as just described by Alene here's a diagram of the Earth's interior:

Pobody's nerfect
The Earth's core is not where Hell is. Hell is in another dimension just as Heaven is. Hell is not really lakes of burning oil, it is being removed from God's sight, he never sees you and he never hears you again. You dwell alone in darkness and torment.
Imagine all of the negative things in your life, everything and everyone that ever hurt you or ever tried to and every ill considered deed of your past, and amplify that by about 100,000 times with no hope of escape. That is what Hell is. It is NOT physical, it is torment of the soul. It is where your faith is fully taken away from you, and also the hope of redemption that comes along with it.
that sounds scary. :((( im christian, but i have terrible ocd problems. i have to keep saying jesus's name whenever something about hell or whatever pops into my head. i dont want to make jesus angry. :( i have a easy to understand bible.. but i dont read it much. :( i hope that doesnt make god angry. :( i dont li9ke having OCD because i have to repeat i love jesus over and over during the day. :( it gets annoying sometimes. i am a christian. but i feel like if i say one wrong thing and jesus would get peeved. D:
I highly doubt that God is angry with you in any way, Donovan. Even Christ said let he who is without sin cast the first stone.
Donovan, you and I, and everyone else are sinners as humans. "Sin" is a Hebrew word which simply means to "miss the mark" which everyone does — you, me, everybody.
That is not what condemns a man in the end, it is wickedness. "Wicked" means that you actually make an effort to inflict evil, pain and suffering upon others. People like Hitler and Charles Manson are not "sinners," they are "wicked."
See the difference?
When you sin, as we all do, and you realize that you sinned, you seek redemption just as you would with any other mistake you might make such as "Oops! I missed my book report! Teacher? Can I do an extra credit assignment to make it up?"
As long as you walk that path, you will be fine.
thanks. ;) one thing i always wondered about when i was fascinated with the future. i always thought.. what would heaven be like? a place of your dreams? a place where all your favorite things become your heavenly world? like i can fly a hover car around heaven? thats what i thought back then. but now, when i read heaven is for real, you know the story about that kid who went to heaven and back? i think that what heaven is like? beautiful? maybe. but i wont find out until i die of old age.
As a Jew, I believe heaven to be the exact opposite of how I described Hell earlier. It is a state of rest — Not a physical rest because you are no longer in the physical, but a state of spiritual calm and peace. It is a place where you are are removed from the reach of evil and all of its pain and suffering, and protected against any and all temptation.
It is very easy when we think of the afterlife, to equate it to the physical world in which we now live. It is natural to do so.
But however you see it, it ultimately comes down to faith. Like you said; we wont know for sure until we cross over in to the next world.
If it is any consolation to you whatsoever, although I have never met you, I do pray for you as I have when you were having your 2012 anxieties.
thanks again :) one thing i havent told anybody here is that… i have aspergers syndrome. or also known as autism. :( i dont shere this much on other forums, but since i know you guys very well. i might as well release it. it isnt a severe autism, but a high functioning type of autism. the kind where you function like a normal person. instead of flopping and waving my arms around all the time. and saying weird things. if you didnt want to hear about my disorder. thats fine. :/ i also wonder as a christain, if mentally disabled people go to heaven too, like people with speech impediment, or people who cant hear or see. or people who cant speak. also these people i believe do go to heaven, are saimese twins, you know the ones that are fused together from birth and look like mutants. :( not to be mean. :I
Why wouldn't they go to heaven? Disease and illness are earthly things that only exist in the physical realm. No one asked to be burdened with a disease or an illness of any kind.
Autism, aspergers, down syndrome, are not sicknesses of the soul, only of the body and the mind is part of the body too. They don't make you evil.
It even says in Genesis that it is not God's will that anyone suffer. He doesn't bring these diseases down to punish us or hurt us in any way.
It is all about what is in your heart, your intent, and how you act. If anything, people like you who are our most vulnerable are the ultimate gauge, because you can always judge a man by how he treats the most vulnerable around him. As it says in scripture, that you do unto the least of you, you do unto me as well.
donovan, I work with someone that has autism at work. :-)
oh thats nice. :) but my autism is extremely different. i can move and talk like a regular human. im not the kind where they scream weird things all the time and wave there hands everywhere and do weird things. :L
That is the same type of person I work with :-)
Sometimes he is way too obsessed with precision and details according to his viewpoint.
And he is right in his claims, but we do not get the time to do everything he thinks is logical.
thanks for the help. :) i gotta go. :I its getting late. thanks for all the info. :) see you all tomorrow or something
Take care Donovan. Good night, and go easy on yourself — Give yourself a break. You earned it.