i just heard reports on youtube about scary/strange sounds heard in the sky all over the world! type in "strange sounds in the sky" on youtube to see for yourself. this is surely a sign of the end of the world! im scared! please help me!
this is surely a sign of the end of the world!
Eh? And why would that be? Even if it were true that people were hearing strange sounds, how do you automatically gravitate from "weird sound" to "EOTW"? Why do you people seem to want this to happen? I just don't understand some of you.
The great thing about science is, it's true whether you believe in it or not.
Oh here we go again. It was a fake. And in fact some videos on youtube took sounds from science fiction movies and put them in the video. There was already a man who debunked this all as a fake. Some other ones were of a college prank and that too was superimposed on different videos.
The media isn't and has never reported anything like this.
Yep, we have another troll here.
People didn't really "hear" them because there were no scary sounds. Why are people so gullible? Seriously scary sounds in the sky? What other nonsense can people come up with? Scared of the dark too?
more BS from youtube? i heard this before, ill explain for you about that video you saw. :) the "strange sounds" you heard in the video are sound clips from a movie called red state, where a group of college kids play a prank with trumpets on a psycho pastor. its definelt fake. :/ if there were strange sounds, we would all hear it, do you hear anything? no? good. :) the human race isnt going anywhere for a while. :) so just live your life and be happy. :)
(credit goes to smartypantz for proof of fake strange sounds videos.)
but these sounds were on the news! people really heard them!
first, what were these "sounds"? second, they never said a THING about strange sounds on the news. EVER. the doomsdayers want to lure people into fear by saying that they reported it on the news. so if they say its on the news, dont believe the doomsdayers.
The majority of the strange noises are flat out fakes.
A minority turns out to be something very simple.
Youtube is full of fake strange noises.
And Why are people even remotely believing the BS after the 2012 fiasco?
It just irritates me to no end. Scary noises in the sky? Why do people manufacture this crap? I just wonder about the people who posted those videos… either they are on an acid trip or trying to play a joke on gullible people. Youtube… so much crap on there. I have never been impressed by Youtube. Same youtube that gave us Jessica Black, Patrick Geryl and other nightmares.
The sounds were never on the news. Just another product of a troll who refuses to give any sources.
I mean seriously… to the OP… get some psychological help if you're being real. The 2012 hoax failed miserably. And you're still going on about these so called "scary sounds" from a video you saw on youtube? Get over it! The hoax failed!
And when people say "these scary sounds" I heard on youtube are surely a sign of the end of the world… that really pisses me off… you have no basis for any of that.
i hear the strange noises too! :O wait a second, oh never mind, its my washing machine. :P
I think the reason there are so many "strange noises" videos on Youtube is because sounds are so easy to fake - much easier than graphics using CGI, as with UFOs and Nibiru and so on. Anybody with no particular skill can create fake sounds and make ridiculous claims about them.
And yes Donovan, some of those sounds on the videos might even be washing machines …
Pobody's nerfect
I went and watched a bunch of the videos back when people started asking about them Most of them had taken videos then added sounds from War of the Worlds or Red State. The debunking video is called Strange Sounds Debunked into Oblivion and it's posted by voodoosixx. I think I got all that right.
i hear the strange noises too! :O wait a second, oh never mind, its my washing machine. :P
Washing machine making strange noises? Not good. Maybe it is time for some maintenance? :-)
One's convictions should be proportional to one's evidence. - Sam Harris
what natural thing can make such scary noises? that is what you all have to realize. it should be proven to you all that nothing natural can make such sounds!
Then you are going to have to tell us what sounds you're talking about. We told you what most of the videos are using for their scary sounds. If those aren't the ones, then give us the name of a video. You didn't say that you had watched any of these yourself, only that you heard reports of it. What makes you think there are videos with natural sounds if you haven't heard them?
i have actually watched videos. they are signs of the end!
Then NAME ONE! Neither I nor anyone else here is going to go search YouTube to see if we can find and explain what you claim to have heard. If you choose to keep it to yourself and continue to assert that it means the end of the world, then do so.
People putting sounds into videos from movies.
Name one please. Or else I'll just conclude you're a troll who should be banned.
Everything is a sign to some dumb trolls… including FAKE VIDEOS OF PEOPLE USING SOUNDS FROM HOLLYWOOD MOVIES. Seriously… get a life.
it should be proven to you all that nothing natural can make such sounds!
As has been pointed out, these videos are fake, it's mostly sounds taken from movies. So, you tell us, why would a sound that you personally can't explain be a sign that the world is about to end? You trolls are so full of shit, you really are.
The great thing about science is, it's true whether you believe in it or not.
Why do people manufacture this crap?
They do this because they get a kick out of watching people fall for this. They are literally laughing their asses off at the people who take this seriously. They are nothing more than internet bullies. In my opinion there is no difference between the people who make this crap and the kids at school who bully other kids. They are pathetic and prey upon those who they know either cannot, or will not, defend themselves.
Oh, and then you get people like "scaredoutofmywits" coming on here and trolling. They also laugh when we start answering them as if they are serious. Sure, scaredoutofmywits might be serious, but in reading what he/she posted it appears she may be trolling us.
Oh, and then you get people like "scaredoutofmywits" coming on here and trolling. They also laugh when we start answering them as if they are serious.
But they do not realize that we use trolls as an example to show how stupid trolls are.
Even the scared ones now laughs in the face of trolls.