It is day time now here. There is a bright star in the sky. No moon just that star. What is it. It is the only object in the sky
Here we go again. Your eyes are playing tricks on you. The moon is always there.
The moon probably hasn't risen yet at his location. I'd bet my life savings he's seeing Jupiter.
The great thing about science is, it's true whether you believe in it or not.
You are right. I am just annoyed about threads like these.
Meh, I can live with this, at least it's not an "OMG" type question.
The great thing about science is, it's true whether you believe in it or not.
How about teaching people how you arrive at your conclusions?
I can definitely live with others being able to answer their own questions…
Cal, are you afraid of everything? I am asking because you seem to be afraid of pretty much everything now. You are posting about things that are not out of the ordinary in any way.
Please explain why the "object" in the sky bothers you enough to ask about it?
I too have seen a star in the sky today and it was the brightest object there! Its called….wait for it….wait for it….the SUN!!! Cal is a troll!
Cal, if we are going to help you we need to get some sort of response. A simple answer to why these things are bothering you would help.
A few years ago I was in the emergency room with, what we thought, was an anuerism. I was having extreme head pain, I was vomiting uncontrolably, my eyes had stopped dialating. My wife thought I was almost dead and they rushed me in. They ran some tests, I got a cat scan, and they took spinal fluid to test it. Turns out I had menenjitus. All during the testing the doctors were asking me different questions to find out what was wrong and how to help me. In the end they were able to pinpoint the condition by the elevated white cell count in my spinal fluid, along with the other symptoms I had told them about. The answers helped the doctors to help me. That is how we can help you, if you will allow us to.
However, in the process of testing the cat scan revealed that I had a metal object in my skull about the size of a pea. I have absolutely no knowledge of anything that would have put that metal object in my skull. I had never been shot in the head with a bebe gun. I could not recall anything. Now I could have gone off the deep end and freaked out about conspiracies or ufo's. But since there was nothing else to make me think anything else, other than I happen to have a small pea size metal object in my skull, I just accepted it and moved on. If I ever start having small grey large eyed creatures visit me during the night, I will wonder about that object with a bit more concern. Until then, I assume something happened when I was a child that I just do not remember. Either that or I am was in some super secret jason bourne type of program where I am an incredible super agent with skills that would make the best soldier, spy, or martial arts experts jealous. I am leaning towards me being a super spy agent type. My kids agree as it is the most exciting option.
And I am not kidding, I do have some metal object in my skull. No joke. Unless the doctor was just messing with me.
the only answer you're going to get is another question about 3 days of darkness or "What is going to happen on New Year's Eve?" or whatever weird scenario he comes up with this time. he never seems to actually respond to answers.
I'm surprised that the admins actually have the time to put up with this kid. It seems to me like he is a troll. A MAJOR troll. Lets looks at the evidence, shall we?
1. He is always posting some sort of BS
2. He is scared of the smallest things
3. He never even bothers to read any of our responses
Although some may say that he is just a scared kid, I think not! Somebody can't possibly think that 12 is such a significant number that life will just cease to exist on January 1 of 2013! He had his shot, but now this is just ridiculous!
I'm surprised that the admins actually have the time to put up with this kid
I have to agree with you Godzillaman, 100% dude. I think this kid has been able to make many of us feel bad for him time and time again, but the evidence points to a major troll indeed. Some of the crap he post on this site is so far out there in left field, that only a person with a lack of basic critical thinking sills would fall for it. Most of the time he post a comment and never even returns to the board to reply to the kind people that are taking time out of their day to help people on this site, and thats what upsets me the most. Its blatant and in our faces, but its not my call. I've seen fear, genuine fear, and commenters will answer all the replies because they desire to know everything about hoax to be able to deduce that its nonsense. He just post jibberish, and moves on to the next forum and does it again. Its ridiculous, and a waste of time. My only hope in writing this is that someone from admin will finally realize who this kid really is..
Unfortunately, the admins like Astrogeek don't want to ban him. He must be stopped before he takes over the next forum!
I'll just quote myself.
How about teaching people how you arrive at your conclusions?
It's one thing to bicker and moan and tell people to just shut up, it's quite another to teach how to shut themselves up.
Is it an easy task? Nope, can be pretty difficult. But little by little, you end up not only helping whoever goes through the task with you, but whoever stops and reads the process too.
@Jason and Godzillaman
Cal hasn't done anything to be banned for. We try not to ban people just because they ask too many questions or they don't agree with us. Since we started this specifically to help scared people, we don't want to start acting like Nancy Lieder and sending them away. If Cal is bothering you, stop answering him.
I guess we have time for it because we're not dithering around about who should be banned. We're just consentrating on giving answers where needed, and Astrogeek is busy moving pages to the new site.