i was on youtube, (a.k.a doomsday breeding grounds) and people were saying OMG 2013 is da endz!?!? they were talking about the folowing things with 2013.
1.Nibiru (not again)
2.Comet ISON (cant wait to see that. :D)
3. 3 days of darkness (3 days of FAIL)
4. photonic belt
5. the rise of the antichrist. (seriously?)
6.another bullcrap nostradamus prediction.
7.(this one is just plain ass dumb) 13/13/13 (WTF?)
8. New years eve. (total existence failure) that one is already not true, its already 2013 in new zealand and japan.
wtf?? doomsdayers are just plain evil, thats all there is too it. :(