Why should you be happy in this coming year? Many lucky things are about to happen according to Feng Shui master Raymond Ho.
1. 13, to many people, is actually a very lucky number. Dan Marino, a football player wore #13 jersey and is known for running the 3rd most yards in NFL history. In Italy, 13 is a lucky number with many Italians tattooing the number somewhere on their bodies. The list goes on as to why 13 can be a lucky number.
2. 7 is a lucky number all over the world… and according to the Chinese Zodiac, we are entering the year of the Snake, whose elemental is Fire. It's been 7 years since Fire was the element of the year. again 7 is a lucky number.
3. This was the year of the dragon. According to Master Ho, the Dragon's elemental is water. Water is fear… that is why we saw so much turmoil in 2012. Especially in the winter months (the doomsday prophecies, the shootings, the fiscal cliff.) The opposite of water is Fire, the elemental we are moving into. Fire represents happiness and hope. It's that burning desire in us all to do great things, to live our dreams, to be better people and help make the world a better place.
So this year is to be a lucky year. As we leave this old year behind… think positive thoughts. If you think positively… Those thoughts will carry over into a new year full of hope and potential.
So Happy New Year everyone! Everyone knows the song "Auld Lang Syne" right? (Auld Lang Syne meaning "Times Gone By"). Well I discovered I've been singing the lyrics wrong all these years… but I like my way better. lol
Should Old acquaintance be forgot and never brought to mind..
We'll drink a cup of kindness yet for Auld Lang Syne.
For Auld Lang Syne my dear, for Auld Lang Syne
We raise our glasses to the new year, and All the years gone by!