Let's review:
-Believe what you will of Barack Obama, wheather he is an American or not or whether he is a good president or not, there is no denying that he firmly and publicly set his face against the fanatical march to war with Iran (which would lead inevitably to a wider global conflict). Ha! So much for being the Illuminati puppet that will start the third World War!
-According to the doomies, by this time we were all to have been rotting in FEMA camps in the wake of a engineered total financial collapse, ruled over by a newly mustachioed ÜberFürher Obama. So far, so good…Why? Because FEMA camps never existed in the first place!
-A 911-scale false flag event(ofc many of the more conspiratorial doomtards believe that 911 was an inside job!), widely predicted by doomsayers, such as a massive internet hacking by the Illuminati posing as terrorists, the destruction of the outdated carrier U.S.S. Enterpise in the Persian Gulf, or the explosion of a nuclear weapon during the London Olympic Games, did not take place. Why? because they were never thought of in the first place!
-Niburu (whatever that was supposed to be exactly) did not come blundering into our orbit, spelling the end of civilization. Because it, and the so-called "aliens" living on it did not exist! If it did it would have been seen in the sky
-A Carrington Event-class X-solar flare or CME did not return us to the Stone Age, and the satellite grid continues to make cell phones, the internet, and global electronic banking possible.
-Tsunamis, megaquakes, and phony alien invasions – all featured as so-called "highly likely" 2012 catastrophes – did not occur, and humanity continues to somehow manage to survive as a living (if screwed up) conscious being of dazzling variety. Why? because these disasters were not likely at all. I bet the doomies used the Japanese Earthquake last year and Hurricane Sandy this year as a precedent(in fact, they were posting fake pictures hyping up the "Frankenstorm", as well as picture of New York underwater and sharks swimming in there, and indeed, it never happened at all!
-There were no Pledians, or any alien invasions by reptilians for that matter.
-No mass ascension of "good people"
-The Illuminati coup that was apparently actively planned (according to Veterans Today, a conspiracy website) that would have lead to a second civil war did not take place, probably because there wasn't one actively planned in the first place.
Get the memo yet? Nothing bad happened in 2012. We're all still here and still alive!