i was on the internet and one of my doomsday believer friends sent me a link to weeklyworldnews. jsut to tell you, they are spewing some of the worlds worst tabloid stories i ever heard, hehe, and i was afraid of them before, but not now. now there saying these headlines.
1. FACEBOOK TO SHUT DOWN JANUARY 15TH 2013! (already a lie)
2. END OF THE WORLD POSTPONED TO 2015!(that is physically impossible to do that.)
3 OBAMA WILL SEEK THIRD TERM! ( a president can have no longer than 8 years in term)
4.PSY TO PERFORM AT SUPER BOWL! (that actually sounds awesome :D)
5. HOW TO SELL YOUR SOUL TO THE DEVIL!(why in the world would anybody do that!?)
6. (this one seems funny) BAT BOY SAVES EARTH ON 12/21/2012!
so to say, weeklyworldnews is still going at it with crappy tabloid stories. :L