Joseph Giove
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Joseph R. Giove is yet another proponent for the Shift of the Ages 'campaign', and quoting from the Shift of the Ages website "has a multitude of impressive professional capabilities", and those capabilities somehow led him to believing in a false prophecy.

What does he do?

"Sympathetic to the plight of the Maya and their 500 years of persecution, Joseph started to plan and lead trips to the Sacred Land of the Maya to help bring awareness to this beautiful, vibrant culture…" I don't think sympathy is the correct word for this.

In early 2006, Joseph traveled to India with Alejandro Oxlag, Elizabeth Araujo, documentary filmmaker Mario Hernandez and Dr. Carl Johan Calleman, proud author of two hoax books, to film and oversee a meeting between Alejandro and Sri Bhagavan at the Oneness University. Through this, he concluded that Shift of the Ages somehow resonated with the work he was currently doing.

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