Project Enoch is yet another Clickbank based scam site |
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The "2012 - Project Enoch" website is yet another clickbank-based site that is selling their product on commission. This site has a very similar look and feel to other "Profits of Doom" sites we have reviewed. However, the difference with this one is that it takes 2012 and meshes it with the neo-Christian "New World Order" paranoia.
According to their website…
Project Enoch is covert plan that will take advantage of the 2012 end of the world hysteria in a way that will further cement the plans of the men in shadows who you cannot see, smell or touch who are trying to control the destiny of this planet.
But, according to their clickbank pitch page:
1) 2012 - The Project Enoch Danger. No 2012 Product Like This. Major Report On The Covert Plans Of The Global Elite In Implementing Project Enoch In 2012.a Unique, Fantastic Offer For Affiliates. 75% Payout Meaning You Make A Good Income Whilst Cost Of Report Is Low Compared To Others.
It is worth pointing out that the website claims to "respect your email privacy", but like many scam sites the user is certain to get a lot of spam instead of the 25-page report that Project Enoch claim to offer.