Documented attempts to contact TGRTPC faculty

Attempts to contact TGRTPC and its Faculty

30 June 2010: First attempts to contact Pinchbeck

Sent to Daniel Pinchbeck via the “contact” form at his on line publication Reality Sandwich (30 June)1

{I apologize if this is the wrong place to send this message, but I didn't see any other way to contact Mr. Pinchbeck.}
Dear Mr. Pinchbeck,
A friend allowed me to read a bit of "2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl". I couldn't help noticing that Chapter 4 begins with the following statement:

“On the Winter Solstice of December 21, 2012, the Sun will rise within the dark rift at the center of our Milky Way galaxy, an event that occurs once every 25,800 years.” (p. 238)

Actually, that statement is incorrect. Even if we restrict ourselves to the case of Izapa, Chiapas, the sun rises within the Dark Rift on the day of the Winter Solstice in almost every year from AD 2000 to AD 2070. It does so in a few years that are as early as about 1980, and as late as about 2120.
In about 10 of those years, the sun rises at Izapa at a time closer to the instant of the Solstice than is the case for 2012.
In summary, there is nothing noteworthy, astronomically, about 21 December 2012.
When I investigated the statement quoted above, I dug into the sorts of raw sensory information the ancient mesoamerican astronomers had available to them when they designed the Long Count calendar. What I learned was interesting, and gave me a whole new respect for those ancients. I plan to do a video on the subject, so I would appreciate reading any further reflections you might have on the statement quoted from your book.

2 July: To the organizers of the Vancouver conference:

Dear organizers of the Tipping Point Conference,
I write articles on the 2012 phenomenon, so of course I’m interested in your upcoming Tipping Point conference in Vancouver. I learned of it on the home page of one of your faculty, John Major Jenkins (
I expect most of my readers to be skeptical about 2012 (as I am). Therefore, they’ll probably have questions like those that follow, which I’m sure you'll agree are reasonable. I'll be happy to publish any answers you might give.
Question 1.

On Jenkins’ home page, he makes the following assertion:

“We are lucky that the brilliant skywatchers who devised the 2012 calendar left carved monuments for us to decode, and that they have survived the decay of centuries, so that we can know exactly what they prophesied and believed about 2012.”

Jenkins then explains what sort of messages the Maya left for us to decode:

“Naturally enough, with their uncorrupted intelligence intact, [the Maya] suspected that the world would go through a transformation when the solar and the galactic planes aligned [in 2012].”

Please note the word, "suspected". Taken together, Jenkins' words indicate that the information we gain through our exact decipherment of the monuments is what the Maya suspected regarding 2012.
Jenkins' home page also presents the following excerpt from your organization’s description of the Conference:

“The purpose of the 2012 Tipping Point Prophets conference in Vancouver is to explore a radically different, more optimistic interpretation of the Mayan prophecy – as referring to the end of the world as we have known it. Instead of predicting a physical destruction of the material world, the Mayan prophecy might refer to death and rebirth and a mass inner transformation of humanity.”

I’m struck by the phrase "might refer to". It seems to indicate that although the Maya tell us exactly what they suspected, they leave us in doubt as to what they were referring to. Moreover, the announced purpose of the Conference is to explore radical interpretations of what the Maya were referring to. Why, then, would it be unfair to characterize the Tipping Point Conference as follows?

“Explorations of radical modern-day interpretations of what the Maya might have been referring to when they recorded what they suspected 2100 years ago.”

Question 2.
Daniel Pinchbeck said in 2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl that on 21 December 2012 the sun will rise within the Dark Rift for the only time in 25,800 years (p. 238). Of course this assertion is incorrect: a bright high-schooler could refute it in a few hours of work, using freeware astronomy programs. (I can send you the analysis if you wish.2)
How is it that your faculty, many of whom communicate with interdimensional beings and study for years with shamans, are not capable of detecting such errors? Does this failure not raise questions about intuitive discernment of truth?
In view of the above, people might reasonably ask why they should look to your organization for guidance when choosing a direction in which to “consciously evolve”.
What reasons would you give them?
Thank you for your time and attention. I look forward to reading your responses.

Neither Pinchbeck nor the organizers replied.

8 July: Second attempt to contact Conference organizers

We did not attempt to contact Pinchbeck again. The initial letter to the Conference organizers was re-sent on 8 July. No response was received.

13 July: First attempt to contact four other Faculty members

Having received no responses from either Pinchbeck or the Conference organizers, we attempted to contact other Faculty directly. Each was forwarded the letter of 2 July to the organizers, but with a personalized note.

Barbara Marx Hubbard

To Barbara Marx Hubbard, moc.drabbuhxramarabrab|ofni#moc.drabbuhxramarabrab|ofni, 13 July 2010

Dear Ms. Hubbard,

Below is a letter that I have twice sent to the organizers of the Tipping Point Conference, without receiving a reply. I'm interested in knowing your own answer to the question I ask at the end:

"In view of the above, people might reasonably ask why they should look to [The Prophets Conference] for guidance when choosing a direction in which to “consciously evolve”.

What reasons would you give them?"


(No response)

Lynn Roberts

To Lyn Roberts, gro.egnahcmaerd|ofni#gro.egnahcmaerd|ofni, 13 July 2010

Dear Ms. Roberts,

Below is a letter that I have twice sent to the organizers of the Tipping Point Conference, without receiving a reply. I'm interested in knowing your own answer to the Question 2:

"How is it that your faculty, many of whom communicate with interdimensional beings and study for years with shamans, are not capable of detecting [errors in relatively simple astronomy]? Does this failure not raise questions about intuitive discernment of truth?

What answer would you give?"


(No response)

John Perkins

To John Perkins moc.liamg|liame.gro.snikrepnhoj#moc.liamg|liame.gro.snikrepnhoj, 13 July 2010

Dear Mr. Perkins,

Below is a letter that I have twice sent to the organizers of the Tipping Point Conference, without receiving a reply. I've read with great interest your critiques of the global politico-economic system, and am in sympathy with much of what you say. Surely you realize that in order to change that system, you will need to change the thinking of hundreds of millions of people. Of course you also realize that you cannot change their thinking without first convincing them that you're credible.

If you read the letter (below), I think you'll agree that a reasonable person might well ask how your participation in the Tipping Point Conference will increase your credibility among people who are already skeptical. What answer would you give them?


(Received immediate automated response acknowledging receipt of e-mail)

Andrew Harvey

E-mail to Andrew Harvey, gro.msivitcadercasrofetutitsni|llij#gro.msivitcadercasrofetutitsni|llij, 13 July 2010

Dear Dr. Harvey,

Below is a letter that I have twice sent to the organizers of the Tipping Point Conference, without receiving a reply. I'm not unsympathetic toward your own views, but I have essentially the same question for you that I had for John Perkins. Specifically, you surely must realize that in order to persuade people to form "networks of grace", you will first have to convince them that you're credible.

If you read the letter (below), I think you'll agree that a reasonable person might well ask how your participation in the Tipping Point Conference will increase your credibility among people who are already skeptical. What answer would you give them?


(No response)

14 July: Third attempt to contact Conference organizers

We again attempted to contact the Conference organizers by re-sending the initial letter, with the following note:


This is just a repeat of my earlier two requests. I forwarded the same letter to some of your faculty yesterday, to get their own responses.


(No response)

16 July: Fourth attempt to contact organizers; second attempt to contact the four Faculty members

The organizers were sent the original letter, and the four Faculty were sent the initial letter with the same individualized notes as on 13 July.

(No responses, except for the automated acknowledgment from John Perkins.)

20 July: Final letter (To Organizers and the four Faculty, simultaneously)

Because the Conference in Vancouver was to start within a few days (23 July), we sent the following e-mail to all previous recipients:

To moc.drabbuhxramarabrab|ofni#moc.drabbuhxramarabrab|ofni, gro.egnahcmaerd|ofni#gro.egnahcmaerd|ofni, moc.liamg|liame.gro.snikrepnhoj#moc.liamg|liame.gro.snikrepnhoj, gro.msivitcadercasrofetutitsni|llij#gro.msivitcadercasrofetutitsni|llij, gro.yretsymtaerg|stehporp#gro.yretsymtaerg|stehporp


During the last few weeks, I have sent all of you the following letter [the letter of 2 July], with appropriate individualized questions.

Unfortunately, I have not yet heard back from anyone. I'm especially disappointed that no one has taken me up on my offer to send the analysis refuting Mr. Pinchbeck's claim about the uniqueness of 21 December 2012.

I hope you will find time to send your answers to my questions. I would prefer not to give to my readers a stereotypical, "The Prophets Conference did not return repeated emails", since that could give readers the impression that your highly spiritual and selfless faculty will not answer such questions unless the asker travels to Cancun or Vancouver to hear the answer.

I look forward to reading your responses.



1. Immediate automated reply from John Perkins.

2. Reply from Lyn Roberts, 21 July 2012

Dear Jim,

Thank you for your earnest inquiry.

I can simply respond to your question by stating that my own orientation and relationship with extraterrestrial intelligences has never concerned specific astronomical configurations and I certainly cannot respond for others.

All good wishes,


3. Reply approx 2 July from Jill Angel (Andrew Harvey’s secretary) saying Andrew had been traveling for last month.

Dear Jim,

Andrew has been traveling a tremendous amount in the past month. Right now we are in the midst of a weeklong intensive.

Please bear with us.


(No subsequent contact as of 9 August 2010.)




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