Claims regarding "Super-Storms" occurring in 2012 are bogus
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Image Credt: National Geographic Magazine

Meteorology can predict weather in the short term, and climatology can predict large scale changes, but nobody can make accurate predictions for specific weather events more than a few days in advance.

What is a SuperStorm?

A "SuperStorm" is a subjective term. It is applied to any large scale storm that is unusually powerful or destructive. The term has been applied to the 1862 storm in California, to Hurricane Katrina, and to the late October / early November 1991 Atlantic storm.

SuperStorms and 2012

Extreme weather events have been suggested by 2012 proponents. These are incorrectly attributed to a Magnetic Pole Shift, a Rotational Pole Shift, Crustal Displacement, Precession, and in some extreme examples, weather manipulation by either "The Government" (usually the U.S. government via one of the agencies such as the CIA, NSA or FEMA), by aliens, or as an accidental side effect (or, the intentional primary effect) of HAARP.

As with most conspiracy theories, the proponents attribute an undue amount of technological ability and power to these agencies, and couple them with a purported desire for destruction and mass death, while failing to provide any support for their claims.

Post-Hoc links to 2012

"Post-Hoc" is short for 'Post Hoc ergo propter hoc' which means "after this, therefore because of this". This is a logical fallacy, that assumes that because two events occur in sequence that the first caused the second, or in this case, that the second is causing the first. Every time there is an extreme or unusual weather event, you can be sure that someone will attempt to invoke "2012" as an explanation for it, even when the weather event is not all that unusual.

No Weather Control

Outside of some mixed success with cloud seeding, there is no way to "control" the weather in the short term. Human activities as a whole can and do have effects on the weather, but these are long term effects, usually caused by things such as pollution or deforestation, and they are by no means "controlled", where a specific weather pattern was achieved by intent.

Experiments such as "Hail Cannons"1, or attempts to control the intensity or direction of hurricanes have proven to be impossible or unreliable.


H.A.A.R.P. is the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program.


Long Range Forecasting

There is a sub-discipline of meteorology that seeks to provide long-range forecasts. For example, the Climate Prediction Center at NOAA seeks to provide temperature and precipitation forecasts as a variance from normal ranges. However, if you look at their maps, the regions are very broad, and the variances are very small. Even if they have 100% accuracy, the ability of predicting specific weather events for specific dates is not present. There is simply no way to say whether there will or will not be a storm in a particular location on a particular date.


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